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Lakshmi Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a luxurious herbal blend...
Anahata Chakra Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a soothing herbal...
Many times when we are experiencing profound spiritual growth, it feels like everything is falling apart. Its like the African Rain finally coming to the dry plains. It is a time of relief and the realization that you have survived another drought but the rains churn the earth and flood the land.
This oil, speaks of the unknown secrets of love. It guides you to the hidden place in the astral realms, where you will learn secrets of the heart AND secrets of love.
This smells like standing at the shore of a secluded lake under the stars, encircled with vanilla flowers and rolling with low-lying fog. You can smell the damp earth beneath your feet, the dimly glowing white planifolia, and even the cold water. Everything is dark and vague, but not scary or worrisome; it's like a waking dream.
Titania is a character in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. In the play, she is the queen of the fairies.
Powerful love oil known to produce prophetic dreams. Used with different intention, it can be used to punish someone who has harmed you.
Used to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding, to reduce tensions when dealing with difficult people, for those working in retail situations.
This creamy, woody original introduces the main star -- tonka -- with mids of white musks, creams and butters that further accents this unique, milky scented bean.
Our Love's Messenger Oil is to deliver a message of love straight to the heart of the one you desire, no matter how far or near they are.
Power, lust and attraction; use in the bath to calm the nerves and alleviate worry and depression.Anoint on temples to draw wisdom and better concentration.