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Lakshmi Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a luxurious herbal blend...
Anahata Chakra Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a soothing herbal...
Nothing is as delightful as true Synchronicity when it feels all the Universe is helping you.
Holding in anger can give a person all types of problems but few of us know how to express anger effectively.
Create some harmony between you and the ex-wife or ex-girlfriend by asking for her to be more agreeable and you in peace.
Create some harmony between you and the In-Laws by asking for them to be more understanding and agreeable.
Write on the candle what project you would like to finish and the time frame in which you would like it done.
Light this candle to remove a man from someone's memory. (Long connections may take more than one candle.)
To have others give you respect you deserve write your name on the candle and that you want respect.
This candle is to send a message of gratitude for what you have received, this opens the path for future blessings.