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Lakshmi Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a luxurious herbal blend...
Anahata Chakra Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a soothing herbal...
Anise, sugar, juniper, spices and citruses leading to a unique version of this legendary underground favorite. Used for protection and also for love.
With a sweet, floral fragrance our Honeysuckle oil lightens the environment of any home in which it used.
This chakra is located at the top of the head, slightly to the back.
Freedom, Prosperity, Transformation To attract the qualities of that planet; used when invoking or worshiping the god; can bring good fortune & cause people to become generous toward one; increases joviality.
Rich and thoroughly complex, a great fragrance of deep amber hues blended with dark chocolate, milk chocolate, cocoa, and just a hint of powder. This is the things dreams are made of - great to burn in your home for a mood of comfort and joy.
This incense is to make someone feel the heat of searing love for you or to wake up passionate, relentless longing. The fire of love can only be tamed when your bodies are melting together in the night. You can burn this incense to promote these lustful desires in your lover.
This is a very sacred incense and should only be used for good things. Very good for removing bad jinxes or hexes. Incense can be used in the home as a spiritual cleanser and assists in bringing in good influences.