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Lakshmi Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a luxurious herbal blend...
Anahata Chakra Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a soothing herbal...
Allspice is used to anoint and bless altars in rituals. When you are focused on your intent it will help you succeed.
These sticks emit a sweet, licorice-like fragrance with spicy undertones when burned. The warm and soothing aroma creates a cozy atmosphere, often used for relaxation or contemplative practices. Known for its calming properties, anise incense is believed to alleviate stress and promote tranquility.
Providing the subtle, sweet scent of Coconut for whatever room in which it`s burned, our Coconut Incense makes a delightful presence in any home. It is a widely known fact that coconut has purifying and cleansing qualities.
Possessing an earthy aroma, reminiscent of the herb of the same name. Our Rosemary incense sticks offer a delightful aroma to any home.
Aradia, "Queen of the Witches," is believed to have been a real high-born woman who taught witchcraft to oppressed people in Italy, despite persecution. Legend tells us she was the daughter of the Goddess Diana, sent to care for her worshipers.
To invoke or worship the goddess; to improve a mother/daughter relationship; will help the user to fulfill basic needs for him/herself & others; good for a person involved in agriculture.
Greek God of Dreams, burn to invoke prophetic dreams and to enter others dreams. Great when burned while scrying.