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Lakshmi Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a luxurious herbal blend...
Anahata Chakra Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a soothing herbal...
Possessing a romantic fragrance, this is a powerful addition to your love spells. Use it within your ritual magic and spells to help create a particularly enticing aura that will help attract the one you desire.
Burn during hexing and crossing rituals. Before using this, make sure you have tried all the more positive means of reconciliation. Remember your karma!
To bring money and prosperity into your life or business. Best to use daily. Make you "Shine" and look more luminous, which draw entrepreneurs and other luck and job offers to you. Great for the Self-Employed!
Bergamot Mint Oil is for overcoming addiction, breaking bad habits, communication, divination, eloquence, mental & Psychic powers; anything having to do with self-improvement.
A blessing and protection fragrance used to bless altars, homes and any personal possessions.
A strong Oil/incense to get what you desire. Wear the oil on the hair each day by placing a drop or two on your hairbrush.
This fragrance will take you back in time to a place of peace and utter beauty. A super incense to keep one in the Spiritual Light. Burn along with a white candle, and keep it burning for seven days (burn a little each day while meditating). Brings good fortune in money drawing and gambling.
Pansy is very potent for love divination; use for rain magic, love and clairvoyance.
Galbanum can be used for purification and protection. It has quite a vehement energy and may be useful for banishing negative energies in exorcism rituals.