Lakshmi Resin Incense
Lakshmi Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a luxurious herbal blend...
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Lakshmi Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a luxurious herbal blend...
Anahata Chakra Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a soothing herbal...
For folk magic purposes (not...
For folk magic purposes (not involving consumption of this poison herb), foxglove can be used in various ways: as a protective herb for the home or garden and to represent the element water. Welsh women used foxglove to create a black dye in which to draw lines on their homes' floors to keep evil spirits out.
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For folk magic purposes (not involving consumption of this poison herb), foxglove can be used in various ways: as a protective herb for the home or garden and to represent the element water. Welsh women used foxglove to create a black dye in which to draw lines on their homes' floors to keep evil spirits out.
Planetary Associations:Venus
Gender: Feminine
Elemental Association: Water
History and Folklore:
The origin of the common name "foxglove" is unclear, but the original name may have been folksglove, referring to faerie folk.
The Latin name, digitalis comes from the word digitanus, meaning finger for the thimble shaped flowers that look like you could fit your finger right inside.
Although foxglove is very dangerous if misused, it has a long history of medicinal use for heart and kidney problems, edema and aconite poisoning. Legend says that Van Gogh used it to treat his epilepsy.
An old saying about foxglove goes "It can raise the dead and it can kill the living".
In the 1700s, William Withering learned of this folk remedy from "an old woman in Shropshire" and studied it. This led to Digitalis being a very important plant-derived medicine for heart disease that is still in use to this day.
In Roman mythology, Flora showed Hera or Juno how to impregnate herself with no need of a man by touching a foxglove to her belly and her breasts. She either gave birth to Mars or Vulcan from this method, depending on the source.
Scandinavian legend says that the faeries taught foxes to ring foxglove bells to warn each other of approaching hunters.
Foxglove, or digitalis, has a long association with witches and witchcraft.
Magickal Uses:
Protection of home & garden, vision, and immortality. Used to commune with those of the Underworld.
Juice or dew collected from foxgloves can be used in ritual to commune with the faeries and the leaves are said to help break faerie enchantments. Do not let it touch your skin and do not inhale the smoke if you burn the leaves!
Plant foxgloves anywhere you wish to invite the faeries to come visit.
Carry foxglove with you to attract faerie energy.
Use foxglove (with care!) in all spells which call for protection or increasing psychic awareness. Help with seeing things which are hidden. The plant has the most power if gathered at the full moon. If left to grow wild around your house it will protect it from malign influences.
Ritual Use: Call on the Goddess Brigit while using for divinatory purposes, Call on Morrigan
~Please do not ingest~
info from: http://herbalriot.tumblr.com/search/Belladonna