Year of Moons

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February: Full Snow or Storm Moon Oil

Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called February's full Moon the Full Snow Moon.

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Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called February's full Moon the Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred to this Moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since harsh weather conditions in their areas made hunting very difficult.

Orange blossoms immersed in Lunar florals gently warmed in amber and vanilla.

1/2 oz. bottle

Reviews (1)

Rated 5.00 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 1 customer reviews

Quiet and lovely, like new snow.

So relaxing and calming,put some on and relax in front of a fire to honour the full moon.

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