Quick Spell Candles
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Each 6-inch long candle (3/4" inch in diameter) comes wrapped with instructions and burns for about four hours. Instructions include what to write on the candle, what day to burn it and what to do with the left over wax. Each candle comes with a specially chosen 1 ounce bottle of Bayou Witch Oil and an additional candle to work with for additional assistance later on, to enhance your Spell Candle! The additional candle will be on an availability bases only, meaning we are having a hard time sourcing these candles, so if you get one you get one, if you don't then we will give you an appropriate refund. As you are inscribing your candle, visualize the outcome. Make it a small ritual in it's own right. Once you have inscribed your candle, then you may 'Dress' it. 'Dressing a candle' is anointing it with an oil that again is relevant to your desire - the oils accompanying the spell candle are specific to the cause of the spell involved and will enhance its magickal effectiveness. You may also wish to bath with a few drops of the oil for a ritual bath before your magickal work, then possibly wear a bit of the oil for 7 days following your initial lighting of the candle and the spellwork. This enhances the effectiveness and also helps you remain focused on your intention. The method for anointing your candle is pretty specific. The most general method is to hold the candle in one hand, dip the first two fingers of the other hand in oil and starting at the top (the end with the wick) run your oiled finger down toward the center of the candle. Stop at the center, lift your finger off, turn the candle slightly and repeat the process until all the top half of the candle is covered. Then starting at the base of the candles, run the oiled fingers toward the center. Again stop at the center, lift the fingers off, turn the candle slightly and repeat the process until the entire bottom of the candle has been coated. The whole time your are anointing the candle, concentrate on the outcome you wish to achieve with your spell. Experienced spell weavers often anoint the candle in a specific direction depending on the type of spell they are performing. For spells to attract something to the spell weaver, the candle is anointed from top to middle, then from bottom to middle. For banishing or sending something away i.e.. getting rid of bad habits, negative energy, breaking jinxes or hexes, the candle is dressed from the center out to the top, and then from the center out to the bottom. |