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Perfect for witches, energy workers, and nature lovers, the Driftwood...
Lakshmi Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a luxurious herbal blend...
Anahata Chakra Resin Incense by Ramakrishnananda is a soothing herbal...
This candle is used to call love and romance. Aphrodite was a beautiful Greek goddess of sexual love.
This candle is for when you need to go to war, when you have no other choice but to fight back.
This candle is to help you express sorrow and loss. And it tells others of your loss.
This candle is to help unlock the future, to see and know what is to happen.
This candle is to attract abundance and prosperity into your life.
This candle is for hope to bring about the cherished knowledge that there is divine purpose and a plan for it all.
This candle is to help you with choices. Hecate, daughter of Titans, predates the Olympian gods. She is the triple headed goddess seeing the present, past and future.
This candle is used in calling healing, both physical and spiritual.
This candle is to bring forth an ending and with it a new beginning. Kali is the dark mother the Hindu goddess of preservation and destruction, she is the giver of life and devourer of children. She symbolize and rules the wheel of life and death.